Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

Did you know that we have approximately 60,000 thoughts every day? It is not surprising then that some of these thoughts are likely to be negative. How do we manage these negative thoughts?

How you think about things determines to a large degree, what you experience. Your mind can help you to feel positive, optimistic and realistic and it can help you to be a good decision maker and problem solver. Your mind can be your best ally. However, too often, this is not the case. Your mind can also be responsible for negative thinking patterns based on distorted thinking, such as blaming others or blaming yourself or believing that you or others must be perfect. Your mind can lead you into poor problem solving and decision making patterns, and more generally, your mind can create a sense of unhappiness.

In Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT), negative thinking patterns as well as actions (or inactions) are identified, challenged and replaced with more helpful ways of thinking, feeling and behaving. When this is combined with tools such as mindfulness to help you observe your negative thoughts without judgment, and learn to let them go, the combination can result in very powerful inner change.